About us

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The Publishers Audience Measurement Company Ltd (PAMCo)

The Publishers Audience Measurement Company (PAMCo), is the governing body which oversees audience measurement for the published media industry. We are responsible for the new joint industry currency (JIC) called PAMCo – Audience Measurement for Publishers in place of NRS data.

Our funding stakeholders are the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA – Advertising Agencies), Newsworks (representing Newsbrands) and the Professional Publishers Association (PPA – Magazine Media). Our board also has representation from The Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA).









PAMCo – Audience Measurement for Publishers Data

PAMCo – Audience Measurement for Publishers, is the new audience measurement currency for published media, using world leading methodology. It produces de-duplicated brand reach allowing users to carry out reach & frequency planning to enable publishers to commercialise audiences across all platforms – computer, smartphone, tablet and print.

PAMCo replaced the National Readership Survey (NRS). NRS was originally designed as a survey to measure print readership and although over time some digital audience data were integrated via NRS PADD this was not a full solution. With the spectacular growth of mobile audiences it was time to design a new service for the digital world which would include all publisher platforms and enable full utility in planning audiences across those platforms.

The new PAMCo currency is platform neutral and provides the following:

  • De-duplicated reach and frequency for all platforms
  • An increased number of brands reported across all platforms
  • Single source data to understand duplication between print and digital
  • Improved estimates of net brand reach and duplication
  • Reporting newsbrand sections across print AND digital
  • New engagement data

How are PAMCo data collected?

PAMCo’s methodology integrates print readership and demographic data from a high-quality survey of 22,000 participants per year with digital audience estimates supplied by Ipsos iris.  The PAMCo survey is based on an ‘online first’ method and includes two phases:

  1. A Postal Phase – where all sampled addresses are mailed and invited to take part either by online or paper self-completion questionnaire.
  2. A Field Phase – where those not completing the postal phase will be invited to take part with a field facilitator recruiting participants to complete the survey.

Ipsos iris is the new UKOM approved standard for online audience measurement in the UK from January 2021.

Accessing PAMCo Data

Topline data is available on the PAMCo website and the complete PAMCo dataset is available for analyses via computer bureaux such as Telmar, Kantar Media, Nielsen IMS and Mediatel, and incorporated within the IPA TouchPoints service for planning purposes.

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